Please find a list of people we trust & resources below to help you achieve greater spinal health.

Stretches and Exercises

Upper Body

Lower Body

Stretches for the Work Place

Pelvic Exercises

Bunion and Foot Exercises

Preferred Partners

Mind and Muscle Rescue

Want to get rid of your pain with a comfortable and relaxing massage that teaches your body to not store pain? Elen from Mind and Muscle Rescue is exceptionally skilled at being able to do just that. We regularly work on the same clients to help them get back to having the energy and ease of movement to go about their day easily.

Highlow Fitness Chatswood

For a great HIIT workout that is kind to your joints but gets you burning lots of fat and increasing your fitness.


New Patient Form

Paediatric New Patient Form

Oswestry - low back pain

Neck Disability Index

Spinal Assessment

Useful Links

Chiropractors' Association of Australia

Australian Spinal Research Foundation

Sit Right Widget

Do you find yourself at your work desk for hours without taking a break?  Download this widget to schedule in regular breaks to maintain healthy posture.

International Chiropractic Paediatric Association