Babies and toddlers are wonderful but there can be many ups and downs along with the lack of sleep
Understanding your pregnancy, birth and those early weeks can provide valuable insight into how your baby is adapting and responding to their environment. We also observe how your baby is moving to determine how balanced their nervous system and if there may be any disturbances in their musculoskeletal system which may lead to them:
Prefer feeding on one side
Not turn their head to both sides
Develop a flat spot on their head
Difficulty with tummy time
If you have any other concerns that haven’t been already listed please let us know as we may be able to help.
Your baby/toddler can be assessed for retained neonatal/primitive reflexes which may affect their learning, coordination and development.
Gentle Care
Techniques are modified to be safe and gentle for a newborn, babies and toddlers - the pressure that is used is what you would use to touch your eye with.