We Help Frustrated Back Pain Sufferers
Many back pain sufferers who are not a good candidate for surgery will still live in pain on a regular basis. This can be frustrating for both the patients and for you as a physician. Medication is great for helping patients with minor back pain, but often times something more is needed. This is where we come in.
Our office utilises a variety of conservative, evidence based therapies that are ideal for back pain sufferers who can't take medications, don't want to take medications, or are not responding well to medication. We would love for you to add our office to your list of practitioners whom you refer your musculoskeletal patients.
We know that many practitioners are hesitant to refer to chiropractors. That's understandable.
Below we have listed a few things that make our office different. It is our goal to address your concerns head-on and to build trust.
We only use evidence based procedures and techniques
We do not try to do everything ourselves. We are happy to partner with other medical professionals.
We do not accept everyone as a patient. What we can't help, we refer out.
We do not advise patients on medications or vaccinations
We are able to treat patients without "cracking" their spine. That allows us to safely treat patients with low bone density.
Other Conditions Treated:
Hip pain and bursitis
Rotator cuff tears
Knee pain
Nerve pain
Research Articles for Spinal Manipulative Therapy
Comparative effectiveness of exercise, acupuncture, and spinal manipulation for low back pain