The Essential Nutrient - Movement

You need to exercise to be healthy, it’s not just about being at the right BMI or body fat percentage. Our bodies have evolved significantly since cave man/woman days but we’re still designed to be moving most of the time not sitting down. In the past, if humans didn’t move, they wouldn’t find or catch food and even worse, they might’ve been eaten.

Apart from the many health benefits of exercise such as reduced cholesterol and sugar levels, mood improvement, our muscles, joints and ligaments are meant to move, not be set in the same seated position. This damages them and tightens them up because we aren’t lubricating them and building muscular strength to support them.

We need movement everyday and it doesn’t have to be daily heavy exertion, although this is great for our heart and lungs. Sneaking in extra amounts of activity during your day is a great way to get in more movement, even standing up more is beneficial as we’re more likely to fidget around and it’s harder work than sitting down. Even popping outside for a 10 minute walk several times a day is great and it helps to improve circulation and boost your mood.

If being in pain is affecting how you well or much you can move please make a booking so we can help you be active again!