Can Sinus and Neck Pain be Related?

Your sinuses are air-filled spaces at the front of your skull that help to clean the air you breathe in and contribute to your immune health. Some people do experience neck pain when they have sinus issues, which can be due to the facial pressure and tensing of the neck when sneezing or blowing the nose.

There are ways to help relieve this pressure and pain. Firstly, saline nasal sprays and air humidifiers can help to moisturize the sinuses and reduce inflammation. Secondly, gentle massage over the sinuses can help to, use your fingertips to massage along your forehead and upper cheek region. Thirdly, the nervous system is responsible for sending messages between the brain and the body. Nerves that talk to the sinuses come out from the brain at the top of the spine. If there is a restricted joint (aka subluxation) in this area, it could potentially irritate these nerves and make someone more prone to having sinus issues and neck pain.

Chiropractic care can help to remove these restrictions and improve nerve function. By aligning the spine and restoring normal joint function, chiropractic care may help reduce sinus problems and neck pain. In addition, your chiropractor will give you advice on how to improve your posture and avoid activities that may aggravate your condition. With proper treatment, you can find relief from your neck pain and get back to your normal activities.

If you would like help with this, please book in online today.