Hurt your neck without doing anything?

"All I did was sneeze or I must've slept awkwardly...." I hear these all the time from clients. The thing is, in many instances, you have been injuring your neck and probably for a very long time, you just didn't realise you were doing so. It's called micro trauma. Small injuries that have occurred usually over a long period of time that accumulate in your spine, muscles and ligaments. Usually due to poor posture, think long hours at the computer, looking at your phone on the couch, in bed, waiting for an appointment, just about anywhere really. One micro trauma on its own isn't so bad but add in months or even years worth and it sure builds up. Think of each microtrauma as 1 slice of cake, 1 slice on its own isn't going to cause weight gain, but it's a different story with many slices of cake or another way of putting it, the straw that broke the camels back.

Often prior to you hurting your neck, there may have been a slow build up of reduced movement in your neck that you weren't even aware of, how you feel isn't a good indicator of how you actually are. Maybe some stiffness or tension that came and went but nothing you couldn't live with. These are warning signs your clever body is giving you that things aren't right.

What can be done about it?

First of all, how much are you sitting throughout the day? What is your posture like? Are you looking up or down to your screen? Are you hunching forward? Try putting a small pillow/cushion at your back to help you sit up straight. What is your diet like? Sugar and processed food can make pain worse

How are your stress levels? Stress can tighten muscles, cause poor posture, stress your joints and nerves.

Chiropractors deal with this all day long and can help you too by reducing the pressure on your nerves and allowing your body to heal itself naturally. Please book in online to start feeling better.