Avoiding Sports Injuries This Winter

Ankle injuries are very common in all sports, and more so in winter. They can be caused by uneven surfaces as well as poor footwear and ground conditions.  The ‘lateral’ or outside ligaments of the ankle are the ones most commonly injured along with the Achilles tendon. Tendons join muscles to bones, and tendon injuries are very common in the shoulders and ankles.

Knee pain would have to be one of the most common injuries after ankle pain. The knees can be injured in most winter sports, such as soccer, basketball, skiing and rugby to name a few. The most common injury we see would be a strain of the medial ligament and the medial cartilage (meniscus) along with associated muscle strains. In simpler terms, a ligament joins bone to bone and cartilage is the 'shock absorber'. Symptoms include pain in the knee and the knee cap, clicking and swelling.

Regular stretching and treatment before and after sports is a simple and effective way to reduce the likelihood of injury and shorten the healing time.  

Why Treat The Whole Spine?

Why do chiropractors adjust (treat) the whole spine even though you may have pain in only one area of your spine?

We see the spine as an integrated whole.  What happens in one area affects another which can cause compensation reactions to occur quite commonly.  For example, someone complaining of low back pain can often have an even more advanced problem in their upper neck.  However it may not be producing symptoms yet.  An absence of symptoms does not mean that everything is fine.  A head misalignment may produce a problem in one's lower back.  By addressing the neck issue despite it having a lack of symptoms, the back pain may resolve and result in a healthier spine.

Whilst chiropractic adjustments are specific and targeted, our focus is on the spine as a whole, not just the area which is causing discomfort.

Let's Get 'Snow Fit'!

The snow season has arrived and good preparation can help you to reduce the risk of injury and get the most out of your holiday.

4 areas to focus on for getting 'snow fit':

1. Boost cardiovascular fitness for improved stamina
2. Strengthen muscles to reduce muscle fatigue and pain
3. Balance training to help prevent falls
4. Injury prevention ie making sure that your joints are aligned properly

A programme should be individually tailored to your fitness level and skill set, our chiros at Riverside Chiropractic can help with this.

Make sure to include interval training in your cardio work outs e.g. walking or running upstairs or up a hill for 30-60 seconds, alternate with a rest period and repeat as many times as you can manage.  Core exercises are a must as they help you to stay balanced and to change direction. 

Always stretch after a work out to reduce pain the following day and to reduce the likelihood of injury.

Don't forget to drink plenty of water whilst you are on the slopes and to pop on some sun screen as well.

Enjoy your time at the snow and if you'd like to make an appointment to become more 'snow fit' please phone 8096 6781 or email us.